Human security is a new paradigm for security, development and justice. Since it was first proposed in the 1990s, there has been an endless debate between its proponents and critics, and even among its advocates, over the meaning and utility of the concept. The IRC initiated a project to promote better understanding of this idea and to translate from being an abstract ideal to a practical tool for policy-makers. These ideas were further developed from case studies in Northeast India initially and during the second year they were further tested and refined in Odisha (Eastern India). What is important now is to move the concept beyond the realm of theory and explore its practical applications, considering possible policy perspectives and implications. The book proposes new practical applications of the human security concept, such as human security mapping, the human security governance index and human security impact assessment. By designating the individual rather than the state as the referent object of security, human security is emerging as a framework that can serve as a means to evaluate threats, foresee crises, analyze causes of discord and propose solutions entailing a redistribution of responsibilities. (attachments/photos under IRC archives)
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